Dear Partners in Ministry
Thank you for your generous response to God’s call to serve in ministry in our parish. Without your dedication and service we would not be able to further the mission of Christ and build up the Kingdom of God in our community
In today's highly sensitive environment, actual or perceived harassment has become a sensitive issue. We obviously want everyone to be treated with respect. People might even be oblivious to the reality that some of their actions may, in fact, involve harassment. This letter is part of our effort to protect all our volunteers, and to make certain that everyone is fully aware of what harassment is - and how to avoid the possibility of any claims of harassment within ministry in our parish.
Proper instruction on how to avoid harassment is essential for everyone to know and follow. Our diocese has developed a training session so all of us recognize what harassment is and how to create a safe environment here at St. Francis. With everyone’s busy schedule, the diocese has made training as easy and accessible as possible. We are asking that all volunteers and all those involved in ministry, take this one-time, 45 minute on-line training session (even if you have already taken Protecting God’s Children). The training is being conducted through Virtus and instructions for completing the training are attached.
As the Church continues to learn and work toward over-coming the mistakes it has made, we have recognized the need to not only protect children and vulnerable adults, but to provide an environment for all people to worship and exercise ministry free from any sort of harassment. Once again we thank you for your service in ministry and your patience in accepting this training. If you have any questions regarding this training, please feel free to contact the parish office. May God continue to bless you and our parish family.
In Christ,
Fr. Chris