Tell me a little Religious Education.
Religious Education (Family Faith Formation). Sacramental programs (Communion and Confirmation) are two year programs. First Holy Communion is Grades 1 & 2 and Confirmation Prep starts after completion of grade 6, however, education is continuous. If your child discontinues Religious Education after receiving First Holy Communion, your child cannot return for their Confirmation without first making up for the lost years.
Tell me a little about when First Holy Communion is celebrated.
First Holy Communion traditonaly takes place in May.
What about Confirmation?
Confirmation is made after completing the full Confirmation Program which consits of, Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2. Feel free to contact Petrina Garrity with any questions or concerns you might have: p[email protected]
What are the requirements for having my baby baptized?
Parents must be registered members of the parish and attend a preparation class before arranging for the baptism of their child.
How soon should I contact the church to arrange my marriage?
Couples planning to marry at St. Francis de Sales should contact the pastor (parish office) at least one year in advance and before making any other arrangements.
How can I receive the Holy Eucharist if I'm housebound or in the hospital?
The Sacrament of the Sick is given to those who are sick, homebound or in the hospital. Please call (or have someone else call) the parish office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and/or Anointing of the Sick.
How do I get a Mass Card?
Call the parish office or drop by the office during parish office hours.