Mission: To maintain and organize the food pantry by assisting with restocking shelves with food donations and taking inventory of needs and excesses.
Facilitators: Carol Varesi, Doug Carosella, and Rick Drogo
Information for Recipients:
Those in need should contact the food pantry to fill out the appropriate paperwork needed to receive food provided by the federal and state. Once approved, appointments for food pick up can be made on Sunday afternoon between the hours of 1 and 4 pm. Call the parish office and press 1 for the food pantry. Leave your name and phone number. If for some reason you can't get through, call on Monday morning. Do not leave a message on any other extension, otherwise you risk not getting an appointment.
Information for volunteering of time, talent and treasure to the food pantry:
There are various tasks available every day at different times so there are many opportunites for those interested in volunteering. If you cannot offer some time, the pantry can always use donations of food, plastic and paper bags, monetary gifts and gift cards. Food donations can be dropped off in the old social hall (in the church). There is also a freezer there for frozen food donations. Monetary gifts can be dropped off at the parish office labeled for the food pantry.