Have you ever stopped to listen for God's call in your life? Have you ever embraced the solitude of a quiet moment and in the silence heard God speaking in your heart? Sometimes we become so engaged in the business of the routines of life that we forget that God is fully present even in those mundane tasks that we could probably do with our eyes closed.
Perhaps that is our greatest challenge in responding to God's call. How much of life's journey have we traveled with our eyes closed to the signs and scenery of God at work for us? Perhaps now is the time to make a new promise to not only open our eyes, but also our hearts to the world around us. It is into this very world that God sent His Son, not only to be Divine Redeemer, but also to give us a model for living out our humanity to its fullest. It is for God's purposes that Jesus walked with us, and in accepting our mission as God's stewards, we too acknowledge that we have been given life for God's works as well.
As Jesus celebrated His last meal with His friends, following the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the wine, Jesus washed the feet of His companions. After He washed their feet, He said to them, "I have given you example that so you also should do." What a wonderful example of how we are called by Jesus to respond to the stewardship of service to others. We are called to make a difference in the lives of others. As good stewards we must make a commitment to prayerfully acknowledge His prescence in all we do. Our challenge is to respond through action as Jesus reminds us what He has done for others, we should do likewise.
You are invited to take the opportunity to find the call of God in your heart. Please take time and prayerfully read over the various ways in which you can serve God through our parish ministries and activities. We encourage you to make this the year that you open your eyes and hearts to the mission God has called you to. By prayerfully accepting God's challenge to use your time, talents, and resources for His purposes, you will not only be enriching the lives of those you will serve, but you will be deepening your own personal relationship with the God that loves you.