Grounds/Building Maintenance (001)
Mission: To help with the general upkeep and maintenance of the parish building and grounds.
Playground Maintenance (002)
Mission: To help maintain the playground area and equipment.
Adopt-A-Garden (003)
Mission: To help with specific outdoor work involving the planting, maintaining and weeding designated flowerbeds.
Painting (004)
Mission: To assist with the painting upkeep of the parish buildings.
Parish Clean-up (011)
Mission: To participate in the seasonal (spring & fall) clean-up of the church grounds. This is a service opportunity for 7th and 8thGrade Religious Education students.
Windows (017)
Mission: To help with the washing of windows and doors in the family life center.
Snow Shoveling (018)
Mission: To help with clearing the footpaths to the entrances of the Church and Family Life Center.