Our Religious Education Program is designed to help parents educate their children about our Catholic faith and traditions. We offer a comprehensive program for grades 1-6 followed by a two year Confirmation Program. Weekly classes are offered in Grades 1-6 and Confirmation 1 & 2 from September through April, We also offer a fabulous children’s Vacation Bible School Program every July
Our goal is to help your children make connections between their weekly lessons and real life– so we encourage families to take part in our Family Faith Building Program which are simple ways to relate what children learn in class to the world they live in. We offer many family friendly suggestions to help busy parents integrate Catholic faith discussions and practices in your home.
If your child has missed several grades of religious instruction or has never been enrolled - we are happy to work with you to help your child get caught up and to prepare to receive Sacraments. It is NEVER too late to receive the precious gift of faith.
Let us help you to help your children form a lifetime of faith and a friendship with Jesus!
Call today Petrina Garrity , Religious Education Director 973-827-3248 ext. 327
[email protected]
Grades 1 - 6 and Confirmation 1 & 2 Meet Tuesday 4:30-5:45 PM or
Saturday 9:00-10:15 AM
September through April
Our Religious Education Program depends on volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a catechist please speak to Petrina or someone in the Religious Education Office. We offer training and many helpful materials to get you started. Adults involved as catechists often find their own faith grows stronger as they help to plant the seeds of faith in others!
***Weather-related closings will be posted on the parish Facebook page and this website-under the heading of news- but always use your discretion about traveling conditions.
If you have any questions- please direct them to Petrina Garrity our Religious Education Director. 973-827-3248 x 327 [email protected]